Saturday, October 24, 2009

Baking Class - Brotbackkurs

Today I had four nice girlfriends from Lamoine here in my home kitchen/bakery to learn how to make Multigrain Hearth Bread.

Three wanted sourdough, one preferred a biga.
Three shaped their loaves round, one a batard.
Three liked my bannetons, one did not use one.

Sounds like a childrens' rhyme, but all had fun and every one of the breads turned out great.

Heute hatte ich vier nette Freundinnen aus Lamoine hier in meiner Kueche/Baeckerei, die lernen wollten, wie man Vielkornbrot baeckt.

Drei wollten Sauerteig, eine lieber Biga.
Drei formten rundes Brot, eine 'nen Batard.
Drei benutzten Bannetons, eine brauchte keinen.

Klingt wie ein Kinderreim, aber alle hatten Spass und jedes der Brote wurde toll.


  1. Looks like something I would would want to taste! Cool!

  2. Great pictures. Do you create your own recipes or do you follow recipes/formulas from books. I found your blog because of Whole Grain Baking. What a wonderful book.

  3. Yes, "Whole Grain Breads" really was my inspiration. After I learned Peter Reinhart's technique I adapted all interesting recipes from my German bread baking books (some I had tried before with rather mediocre results) to this method with slow fermentation and pre-doughs. When I like a recipe I often change it a bit around, less sweetener, different flours (like spelt or oat), or add spices.
